Accuracy and precession

Accuracy and precision are two important concepts in measurement and data analysis. They describe different aspects of the quality and reliability of measurements. Here’s a breakdown of each term:


Accuracy refers to how close a measured or calculated value is to the true or accepted value. It assesses the correctness of a measurement or calculation. In other words, an accurate measurement is one that is free from systematic errors, which are errors that consistently push measurements in one direction (either too high or too low).

For example, if you’re measuring the length of an object, an accurate measurement would be one where the measured value is very close to the actual length of the object.


Precision, on the other hand, relates to how consistent or reproducible a set of measurements is when taken under the same conditions. It does not necessarily indicate how close those measurements are to the true value (accuracy). High precision means that the measurements cluster closely around each other, even if they are not close to the true value.

Using the example of measuring the length of an object, a set of precise measurements would have very small variations between them, even if they are consistently off from the true length. In other words, precision deals with random errors in measurements.

To better understand the distinction between accuracy and precision, consider the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: A group of students is asked to measure the length of a pencil. Each student measures the pencil’s length as 15.2 cm, and the true length is 15.2 cm. In this case, the measurements are both accurate (close to the true value) and precise (consistent among the students).

Scenario 2: The students are asked to measure the same pencil, but their measurements are as follows: 15.0 cm, 15.5 cm, 15.1 cm, and 15.4 cm. In this case, the measurements are not very accurate (they deviate from the true value of 15.2 cm), but they are fairly precise (the measurements are consistent with each other).

Scenario 3: The students’ measurements are 14.7 cm, 14.8 cm, 14.7 cm, and 14.8 cm. In this scenario, the measurements are not accurate (they are consistently below the true value of 15.2 cm), and they are also very precise (the measurements closely cluster around the same incorrect value).

In practice, both accuracy and precision are important. Ideally, measurements should be both accurate and precise, but sometimes there’s a trade-off between the two. Scientists and engineers strive to minimize both systematic and random errors to obtain the most reliable data.

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