Conceptual Question on Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. #3


A particle’s energy is measured with an uncertainty of 1.1 \times 10^{ -3}\rm \ eV. What will be the smallest possible uncertainty in our knowledge of when the particle had the given uncertainty of energy?


Let’s suppose:

  • \Delta E is the uncertainty in energy, and

  • \Delta t is the uncertainty in time.


  • \Delta E = 1.1 \times 10^{ -3}\rm \ eV

To find:

  • \Delta t

We know the value:

  • h = 4.13567 \times 10^{ -15}\rm \ eV\cdot s

From the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the uncertainty in energy and the uncertainty in time are related by an equation;

\begin{aligned}\Delta E \times \Delta t &\geq \dfrac{h}{4\pi}\\\Rightarrow \Delta t &\geq \dfrac{h}{4\pi\Delta E} \\ &= \dfrac{4.13567 \times 10^{ -15}\rm \ eV\cdot s}{4\pi \times (1.1 \times 10^{ -3}\rm \ eV)} \\&= 2.992 \times 10^{ -13}\rm \ s\\\end{aligned}

Therefore, the smallest possible uncertainty in time is

\begin{aligned}\Delta t &= 2.992 \times 10^{ -13}\rm \ s \\\end{aligned}

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