Nuclear Physics

  1. What is Nuclear Physics?
  2. The Unit of Physical Quantities Used In Nuclear Physics
  3. Natural Units used in Nuclear and Particle Physics
  4. Rutherford’s Scattering Experiment
  5. Distance Of The Nearest Approach
  6. Relation Between Scattering Angle And Impact Parameter
  7. Proton-Electron Hypothesis Of Nuclear Composition
  8. Discovery Of The Neutron, And Proton-Neutron Hypothesis Of The Nuclear Composition
  9. The Nuclear Landscape
  10. Nuclear Shape And Size: Electron Scattering Experiment
  11. Nuclear Shape And Size: Born Approximation And Form Factor
  12. Nuclear Shape And Size: Fermi Model
  13. Mass Defect, Binding Energy and Separation Energy
  14. Quantization of Angular Momentum
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