• I.E. Irodov Question Number 1.1: A motorboat going downstream overcame a raft at a point A; \tau = 60\rm \ min later it turned back and after some time passed the raft at a distance l = 6.0\rm \ km from the point A. Find the flow velocity assuming the duty of the engine to be constant.

  • I.E. Irodov Question Number 2.1 : A vessel of volume V = 30\rm \ l contains ideal gas at the temperature 0^0\rm \ C. After a portion of the gas has been let out, the pressure in the vessel decreased by \Delta P = 0.78\rm \ atm (the temperature remaining constant). Find the mass of the released gas. The gas density under the normal conditions \rho = 1.3\rm \ g/l.

  • I.E. Irodov Question Number 2.2: Two identical vessels are connected by a tube with a valve letting the gas pass from one vessel into the other if the pressure difference \Delta P \geq 1.10\rm \ atm. Initially, there was a vacuum in one vessel while the other contained ideal gas at a temperature T_1 = 27 \rm \ ^0C and pressure P_1 = 1.00\rm \ atm. Then both vessels were heated to a temperature T_2 =1 07\rm \ ^0C. Up to what value will the pressure in the first vessel (which had vacuum initially) increase?

  • I.E. Irodov Question Number 2.3: A vessel of volume V = 20\rm \ L contains a mixture of hydrogen and helium at a temperature T = 20\rm \ ^0C and pressure P = 2.0\rm \ atm. The mass of the mixture is equal to m = 5.0\rm \ g. Find the ratio of the mass of hydrogen to that of helium in the given mixture.

  • I.E. Irodov Question Number 2.4: A vessel contains a mixture of nitrogen (m_1 = 7.0\rm \ g) and carbon dioxide (m_2 = 11\rm \  g) at a temperature T = 290\rm \  K and pressure P = 1.0\rm \ atm. Find the density of this mixture, assuming the gases to be ideal.

  • I.E. Irodov Question Number 3.1: Calculate the ratio of the electrostatic to gravitational interaction forces between two electrons, and between two protons. At what value of the specific charge q/m of a particle would these forces become equal (in their absolute values) in the case of interaction of identical particle?

  • Rotational Mechanics Question Number 1: A uniform solid sphere of radius r starts rolling down without slipping from the top of another fixed sphere of radius R. Find the angular velocity of the sphere of radius r at the instant when it leaves contact with the surface of the fixed sphere.

  • Rotational Mechanics Question Number 2: A solid cylindrical pulley with a mass of M = 2\rm \ kg and radius of R = 20\rm \ cm is free to rotate about its axis. A block of mass M = 4\rm \ kg is attached to the pulley with a light string. Assume the string does not stretch or slip. Calculate (a) the tension in the string and (b) the angular acceleration of the pulley.

  • Oscillations And Waves Question Number 1: A physical pendulum consists of 4\ \rm m long sticks joined together as shown in the figure. What is the pendulum’s period of oscillation about the midpoint of the horizontal stick?

  • Electric Flux and Gauss Law Question Number 1: A particle of charge q is placed at a corner of a cube of the edge a. What is the flux through (a) each cube face forming that corner and (b) each of the other cube faces?

  • Electric Flux and Gauss Law Question Number 2: A point charge q of magnitude 4.0\rm\ \mu C is placed at the center of the flat surface of a hemisphere of radius 10 \rm \ cm. What is the electric flux a) through the curved surface of the hemisphere and b) through the flat surface of the hemisphere?

  • Electric Flux and Gauss Law Question Number 3: A 10\ \rm nc charge is uniformly distributed on a ring of radius 10\ \rm cm. A sphere of radius  10\ \rm cm is constructed with its center on the circumference of the ring as shown in the figure. Find the electric flux through the sphere. 

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